BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Naval Lodge No 4//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240519T045122Z UID:[email protected] DTSTART:20150205T233000Z DTEND:20150206T030000Z SUMMARY:Stated Communication DESCRIPTION:On Thursday\, February 5\, Naval Lodge we will be holding a regular communication meeting. At this communication we begin our study of leadership from within\; thought leadership. WM Reeves will be giving a short primer on the practice of meditation\, but our main event for the night will be the poetry of local author Courtney Birst. \n\nOh yes\, I almost forgot about the wine as well. We will have wine pairings with our poetry readings. I expect an interesting and perhaps even highly civilized night. \n\nOutside guests are invited and encouraged to attend. We’d also like to issue a personal challenge to the brethren and guests. Bring in your own poems\, haiku\, limericks\, epigrams\, and prose to share with the lodge. It does not have to be original writing\, you can also bring in your favorite by another author. Hope to see everyone there.\n\nDinner begins at 6:30pm and Lodge will open promptly at 7:30pm. \n\nPlease RSVP by Tuesday\, February 3\, so that we can plan accordingly for dinner.\n For more info visit: URL;VALUE=URI: ORGANIZER;CN=Ed Kell:MAILTO:[email protected] CLASS:PUBLIC LOCATION:The Naval Lodge Hall\, 330 Pennsylvania Avenue\, S.E.\, Washington\, DC 20003 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR