BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Naval Lodge No 4//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240920T221509Z UID:[email protected] DTSTART:20190218T153000Z DTEND:20190218T170000Z SUMMARY:Wreath Laying at Mount Vernon with Washington Daylight #14 DESCRIPTION:On February 18\, 2018\, \;Washington Daylight Lodge #14 \;will continue the long tradition of laying a wreath at \;Brother George Washington&apos\;s tomb at his \;Mount Vernon Estate. \;All masons are welcome to join the Lodge procession from the front entrance of Mount Vernon to the tomb and back.  \;The procession starts at 10:30 am\, when we march to the tomb\, lead by a bagpiper\, engage in the ceremony of laying a wreath\, and then we return in procession to the Mount Vernon Visitor&apos\;s Center. \;After this\, we will have approximately an hour to an hour and a half to tour Mount Vernon\, after which\, all are invited to join us for lunch in the Mount Vernon Inn.  \;Lunch will be compliments of Washington Daylight Lodge. \;However\, one must RSVP by Tuesday\, February 12. \;This year we arranged to have our meal served from the buffet so individual choices will not have to be pre-arranged.  \;This is a family event\, so family members are welcome - they can even walk along side the procession.For those that need transportation to Mount Vernon\, \;Washington Daylight Lodge will arrange a bus to convey us there. The bus will pick up passengers on 16th and S Street\, NW\, in front of the \;Scottish Rite House of the Temple at 8:45 am.  \;The temple&apos\;s parking lot will be available to those that wish to park there and ride the bus. \;As there is limited seating on the bus (55)\, it is imperative that you \;RSVP \;for both the lunch and the bus. \;The lodge recommends taking the bus because due to the day&apos\;s events\, parking at Mount Vernon will be at a premium. \;Please respond as soon as possible \;so all arrangements can be made.Please RSVP no later than Tuesday\, February 12th \;to \;MWB Jesse Villarreal\, email \;[email protected]\, cell phone 703-282-6366.  \; \;Email notification is preferred.\n For more info visit: URL;VALUE=URI: ORGANIZER;CN=Ed Kell:MAILTO:[email protected] CLASS:PUBLIC LOCATION:Mount Vernon\, Virginia END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR