BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Naval Lodge No 4//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240518T230850Z UID:[email protected] DTSTART:20210318T233000Z DTEND:20210319T023000Z SUMMARY:Why King Solomon's Temple Matters DESCRIPTION:On Thursday\, March 18th\, Naval Lodge will conduct a virtual regular communication meeting. At this meeting WM Sean C. Lewis will discuss the importance of King Solomon&apos\;s Temple\; What it means to today and what it meant in antiquity.In order to attend this stated communication\, you must RSVP to receive the link. Also\, in accordance with Grand Lodge direction\, you must have a webcamera to attend. Additionally\, all visiting brethren must be able to be vouched for (i.e.\, you have sat in a Lodge with them) by a member of Naval Lodge. Again\, dress will be business casual.The gavel will come down at 7:30pm\, so please don&apos\;t be late. I look forward to seeing many of you online.\n For more info visit: URL;VALUE=URI: ORGANIZER;CN=Ed Kell:MAILTO:[email protected] CLASS:PUBLIC LOCATION:Zoom - Link Will Be Send Once You RSVP END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR