BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Naval Lodge No 4//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240518T211257Z UID:[email protected] DTSTART:20220407T223000Z DTEND:20220408T023000Z SUMMARY:Stated Communication - Lockpicking 101 and Bypassing Restraints with TOOOL DC DESCRIPTION:On Thursday\, April 7th\, Naval Lodge will be conducting a regular communication meeting\, which will open promptly at 7:30 p.m. \;We are excited to welcome representatives The Open Organization of Lockpickers (TOOOL). They&apos\;ll be teaching us lock-picking 101 and extra instruction on how to bypass common restraints such as zipties and riot cuffs. This will be an interactive program that&apos\;s sure to be memorable! The presentation will begin at 8:00 and is an open program\, so guests and interested parties are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Please note that KN95/N95 masks will be required during the presentation\, masks will be provided to those who need.A word from our presenters - The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers invites you to join the sometimes secretive\, always subversive community of lock pickers. Attendees can expect to gain insight into how locks work\, their flaws\, and hands-on experience exploiting these flaws to defeat various locks. No skills\, tools\, or payment necessary to participate.We&apos\;re also happy to announce that Naval will resume offering food before the meeting. This week we will offer an array of appetizers as we gauge interest in Lodge meals going forward. Food will begin promptly at 6:30pm.\n\n For more info visit: URL;VALUE=URI: ORGANIZER;CN=Ed Kell:MAILTO:[email protected] CLASS:PUBLIC LOCATION:The Naval Lodge Hall\, 330 Pennsylvania Avenue\, S.E.\, Washington\, DC 20003 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR