CANCELED - St. Baldrick's Charity Event

The Naval Lodge Hall, 330 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., Washington, DC 20003
March 14, 2020 10:00AM

Brethren, Friends, and Guests,

After numerous discussions with officers and past masters, I have decided to CANCEL our St. Baldrick's Day event, scheduled for Saturday, due to COVID-19 concerns.

However, I would like to ask our participants to video and/or photograph yourself shaving your head at home and post it to our Naval Lodge facebook page (just tag @naval4 in your post); I plan to live-stream mine on facebook and tag it to the page. At a minimum, I would like to see a before and after photo. If you do not have facebook, send it to me and I can post it for you. I would also like to include these pictures in our next trestleboard.

These are scary and concerning times, so please stay in touch with members, friends, and family. We are here to help each other and if you or a loved one is in need, please reach out. I hope this all subsides quickly so we can resume our good work.

Ed Kell
Worshipful Master
Naval Lodge No. 4